Sunday, 12 May 2013

Monday, 11 February 2013

Xfactor Live Tour

Hey guys! Like my picture I drew? I used pastels and pencil and charcoal. sorry but I don't remember which pencils I used.

The other day (Friday 8th February ) I went to xfactor live tour UK! It was so good and to top it off, before the show we went to sky backstage, which is a special place for sky customers where you get to film the news and take wacky pictures of yourself. Then upstairs there is a bar where you can get massages, make up, free nibbles and drinks.  It was like heaven!!

This is union J singing.


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Photography Exhibition!!

Hiya!! So have any of you Londoners heard of the photography exhibition in Tring?? I went there this weekend. It was awesome!! I went with my uncle, two sissy's and my mum then went to Harvester. Any way here are some of the pics there.

If you want to go you better hurry because the exhibition ends 1st of March. One of one of the winners photos were called; Bubble Jetting. Check it out it's sooo good!

On the left are some pictures of some animals if you don't know what they are then; top left is an alligator, top right a fluffed up raven, bottom left is some black monkeys, bottom right is a lioness and in the middle is a Chinese monkey in relaxation. The bottom picture is a frog with it's mouth filled with it's eggs. i thought that one was kind of freaky and weird. There was one of a mosquito biting someones hand. Grosss!! Did you know only female mosquitoes drinks blood, male drink nectar. I didn't. 

Next year I might enter the competition. I'd either send one pic from my home page a recent one that I'd taken. Soon my mum's going to take me to a wetland, which is a pitch black place where you can only see the birds and they can't see you. I'm also interested in birds so I can't wait to go!!

from Shreya

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Doodle Day!!

My blog is not just about photography. Photography is just a kind of art. This blog is also about another type. Art. Drawing.

I do like drawing doodles. I've got a book which I keep them in so the future can experience them as well. I'm hopefully going to put it in a time capsule before I'm fifty... but that's a whole other story.
Here's some of my doodles;  
A hippo and a tortoise, not a common mix but they were very simple to draw. If you want to know how type' how to draw cool things' into your search engine on your computer and choose the 1st one in the list. It should be there. Well, I hope you like them!!!They're fun to draw and you can't go wrong with something so simple!!
Have Fun!!

There's Nothing Like a Cold Day off!!

Hi guys! 

So you know it's snowing like crazy all over the world. Also most of us that are in school got a day off. Perfect! Just the way to start the snowy weather. I'll be expecting some more of these!!

Well during the weekend, and yesterday, I was out in the snow taking a dozen pics by the second. I also discovered some amazingly massive icicles hanging over our door. Obviously they were a must have pic!!

After all that work and then coming in, to a nice hot mug of hot chocolate is a real treat and even more it was made from real chocolate!! To find out the recipe go to It is delicious!!

Here are some pics I took;

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Join Me At The Finish Line!

Hi guys!

So recently me, my sissy Mya and my mum are doing this race for life in Regents Park. I'm a bit worried about my mum, at 40 she's a bit over-the-hill!!

And what do most racers try and do??? ... get sponsors!!!! That's why I need all your support to try and reach my target of £300. You don't have to give much, every little helps!! 

It's for cancer research so if you know anyone, or have lost anyone to cancer make this for them.

We'll be running on the 1st of June so feel free to come and support us. We'd invite you over afterwards, but our house would be smelling slightly of sweat! Eeuuggh!!

Wish me luck,


P.S this is the website you need to go to sponser us;  : )

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

This blog is about my love and passion for photography and art. I would love for my blog and photos to inspire you to take on photography too.

Hey guys feel free to upload any pics of yours! I'm sure they will all be pretty cool!

Shreya : )

P.S Check out my sisters blog at