Sunday, 27 January 2013

Photography Exhibition!!

Hiya!! So have any of you Londoners heard of the photography exhibition in Tring?? I went there this weekend. It was awesome!! I went with my uncle, two sissy's and my mum then went to Harvester. Any way here are some of the pics there.

If you want to go you better hurry because the exhibition ends 1st of March. One of one of the winners photos were called; Bubble Jetting. Check it out it's sooo good!

On the left are some pictures of some animals if you don't know what they are then; top left is an alligator, top right a fluffed up raven, bottom left is some black monkeys, bottom right is a lioness and in the middle is a Chinese monkey in relaxation. The bottom picture is a frog with it's mouth filled with it's eggs. i thought that one was kind of freaky and weird. There was one of a mosquito biting someones hand. Grosss!! Did you know only female mosquitoes drinks blood, male drink nectar. I didn't. 

Next year I might enter the competition. I'd either send one pic from my home page a recent one that I'd taken. Soon my mum's going to take me to a wetland, which is a pitch black place where you can only see the birds and they can't see you. I'm also interested in birds so I can't wait to go!!

from Shreya

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